MyTranslink app – MyTranslink is available free to download from the App Store and Google Play.
Whitsunday Transit regularly service the entire Whitsunday region from Proserpine through Cannonvale, Airlie Beach, Jubilee Pocket and on to Shute Harbour.
Our fleet of modern comfortable coaches connect you to the Whitsundays in smooth air conditioned comfort at an affordable price. Fares are payable to the driver on board, accepting cash only.
All Fares are currently 50c per trip!
Please note the timetable does not include services to Whitsunday Coast Airport or Queensland Rail. Please click here for transfers to/from Whitsunday Coast Airport (Proserpine) or here for Queensland Rail information.
Hamilton Plains – Do you want to know if Hamilton Plains is flooded? Here is a link to the Whitsunday Regional Council’s Hamilton Plains Flood Camera.
Choose a service:
Monday to Friday Saturday Sunday and Public Holidays
Route Map